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发布日期:2018-05-30    点击:



研究生 / 博士


山东省泰山学者海外特聘专家 / 教授 / 硕士、博士生导师 / 水原大学-临沂大学共建博士学科合作导师


0531-8276-5326, 15315316980




逸夫楼B506(Lab) / B112(Office)





• 燃料电池催化剂制备与应用研究

• 重金属离子可视化检测技术研究

• 光催化与光电催化功能材料研究

• 纳米功能材料控制合成与性能研究

• 光热转换材料构筑及其热疗应用研究

• 新型太阳能电池构建与材料设计合成






3. Au@Pt核壳纳米粒子的种子外延法生长及其机制、光吸收和电催化性能研究(21103068),26万,国家自然科学基金,主持;



6. The Polyol Process to Noble Metal Nanostructures: Rational Synthesis, Properties and Applications(P1907354),1300万日元,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)研究基金项目,主持;





11. 一种具有优良电催化性能的花状金钯异质纳米粒子的制备方法,专利号:ZL201510238789.9;

12. 立体五角星金纳米粒子的制备方法,专利号:ZL201510218075.1;




1. 山东省化学一流学科化学精准合成与应用方向带头人

2. 校优秀毕业论文指导教师


在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、ACS Nano、Chem. Mater.、Nanoscale等国际学术期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,其中影响因子大于10的6篇,所发表研究论文他引用2000余次,H指数因子为27,其中单篇引用超过100次的8篇。1. Dilong Liu, Fei Zhou,Cuncheng Li,* Tao Zhang, Honghua Zhang, Weiping Cai, Yue Li* “Black Gold: Plasmonic Colloidosomes with Broadband Absorption Self-Assembled from Monodispersed Au Nanospheres by Using a Reverse Emulsion System”,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2015,54,9596- 9600.(IF:11.709, Times Cited: 12)

2.Cuncheng Li,Ryota Sato,Masayuki Kanehara, Haibo Zeng, Yoshio Bando,ToshiharuTeranishi, “Controllable Polyol Synthesis of Uniform Palladium Icosahedra: Effect of Twinned Structure on Deformation of Crystalline Lattices”,Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.,2009,48, 6883-6887.(IF:11.709,Times Cited: 71)

3.Cuncheng Li,Kevin L. Shuford,Q-Han Park,Weiping Cai, Yue Li, Eun Je Lee, Sung Oh Cho “High-Yield Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Gold Nanooctahedra,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2007,46, 3264-3268.(IF:11.709, Times Cited: 155)

4.Cuncheng Li,Weiping Cai, Bingqiang Cao, Fengqiang Sun, Yue Li, Caixia Kan,Lide Zhang, “Mass Synthesis of Large, Single-crystal Au nanosheets Based on A Polyol Process”,Adv. Funct. Mater.,2006,16, 83-90.(IF:11.382,Times Cited: 152)

5.Cuncheng Li,Kevin L. Shuford,Minghai Chen, Eun Je Lee, Sung Oh Cho, “A Facile Polyol Route to Uniform Gold Octahedra with Tailorable Size and Their Optical Properties”,ACS NANO,2008,2, 1760-1769.(IF:13.334, Times Cited: 116)

6.Cuncheng Li*, Lin Sun, Yiqiang Sun, Toshiharu Teranishi*, “One-Pot Controllable Synthesis of Au@Ag Heterogeneous Nanorods with Highly Tunable Plasmonic Absorption”,Chem. Mater.,2013,25, 2580-2590.(IF:9.407, Times Cited: 27)

7. Yiqiang Sun, Yugang Sun,*Tao Zhang,Guozhu Chen, Fengshou Zhang, Dilong Liu, Weiping Cai, Yue Li,*Xianfeng Yang,Cuncheng Li*“Complete Au@ZnO Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Enhanced Plasmonic Absorption Enabling Significantly Improved Photocatalysis”,Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 10774-10782.(IF:7.76, Times Cited: 2)

8. Lei Han#,Cuncheng Li#,Tao Zhang, Qiaolin Lang,Aihua Liu,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 14463-14470.(IF:7.145, Times Cited: 5)

9. Dilong Liu#,Cuncheng Li#, Fei Zhou, Tao Zhang, Honghua Zhang, Xinyang Li, Guotao Duan, Weiping Cai, Yue Li*, “Rapid Synthesis of Monodisperse Au Nanospheres through a Laser Irradiation-Induced Shape Conversion, Self-Assembly and Their Electromagnetic Coupling SERS Enhancement” ,Scientific Reports, 2015,5, 7686-7695.(IF:5.228, Times Cited: 14)

10. Fei Wang, Pei Liu, Lin Sun,Cuncheng Li*, Valery A. Petrenko*, Aihua Liu*, “Bio-mimetic Nanostructure Self-assembled from Au@Ag Heterogeneous Nanorods and Phage Fusion Proteins for Targeted Tumor Optical Detection and Photothermal Therapy”,Scientific Reports, 2014,4, 6808-6816.(IF:5.228, Times Cited: 17)

11. Guang-Ning Liu*, Ming-Jian Zhang, Wan-Qing Liu, Hui Sun, Xin-Yu Li, Ke Li, Cai-Ze Ren, Zhen-Wei Zhang,Cuncheng Li*, “Structures and multiple properties of two polar metal-organic frameworks based on achiral N,O-coordinated ligands: toward multifunctional materials”,Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 18882-18892.(IF:4.177, Times Cited: 2)

12. Guangning Liu*, Jianru Shi, Xiaojiang Han, Xiao Zhang, Ke Li, Jie Li, Tao Zhang, Qisheng Liu, Zhenwei Zhang,Cuncheng Li*, “A comparison study of aliphatic and aromatic structure directing agents in influencing the crystal and electronic structures, and property of iodoplumbate hybrids: Water induced structure conversion and visible light photocatalytic property”,Dalton Trans., 2015,44,12561-12575.(IF:4.177, Times Cited: 5)

13. Bo Xu*, Yiqiang Sun, Jie Li,Cuncheng Li*, “Structural and functional studies on coordination polymers based on 5-tert-butylisophthalic acid and N,N '-bis-(4-pyridylmethyl) piperazine”,RSC Adv., 2014,4, 25588-25595.(IF:3.289, Times Cited: 4)

14. Bo Xu*, Qingshan Liang, Liantao Liu, Qisheng Liu,Cuncheng Li*, “Structures and properties of four coordination polymers constructed from 1,3-bis-(4-pyridyl)propane and aromatic dicarboxylic acids”,RSC Adv., 2014,4, 13919-13926.(IF:3.289, Times Cited: 7)

15. Qisheng Liu,Cuncheng Li*, Kejian Jiang, Yanlin Song, Jian Pei, “A high-efficiency solid-state dye-sensitized solar cell with P3HT polymer as a hole conductor and an assistant sensitizer”,Particuology, 2014,15, 71-76.(IF:2.28, Times Cited: 2)

16. Jie Li, Bo Xu, Guangning Liu, Tao Zhang, Fengshou Zhang,CunchengLi*“Aqueous Controllable Synthesis of Spindle-like Palladium Nanoparticles and their Applications for Catalytic Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol”,Progress in Natural Science: Materials International,2016,26, 295-302.(IF:1.753, Times Cited: 0)

17. Yue Li,Cuncheng Li, Sung Oh Cho, Guotao Duan, and Weiping Cai,“Silver Hierarchical Bowl-Like Array: Synthesis, Superhydrophobicity, and Optical Properties”,Langmuir,2007,23, 9802-9807.(IF:3.993, Time Cited: 140)

18.Cuncheng Li,Weiping Cai, Yue Li, Jinlian Hu, Peisheng Liu, “Ultrasonically Induced Synthesis of Au Nanoprisms and Their Size Manipulation Based on Aging”,J. Phys. Chem. B,2006,110,1546-1552. (IF: 3.187, Time Cited: 57)

19.Xing-Jiu Huang,Cun-Cheng Li, Bonsang Gu, Ju-hyun Kim, Sung-Oh Cho, Yang-Kyu Choi,“Controlled Molecularly Mediated Assembly of Gold Nanooctahedra for a Glucose Biosensor”,J. Phys. Chem. C,2008,112, 3605-3611.(IF:4.509, Time Cited: 17)

20. Shu-Chun Yang, Hiromu Kobori, Chieh-Lun He, Meng-Hsien Lin, Huang-Ying Chen,Cuncheng Li,Masayuki Kanehara, Toshiharu Teranishi, Shangjr Gwo “Plasmon Hybridization in Individual Gold Nanocrystal Dimers: Direct Observation of Bright and Dark Modes”,Nano Lett.,2010, 10, 632-637.(IF:13.779, Times Cited: 103)

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