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发布日期:2018-09-21    点击:
姓名 郝芹
学历/学位 博士
职称/职务 讲师
电子邮箱 chm_haoq@ujn.edu.cn
实验室/办公室 逸夫楼A308
主讲课程 结晶化学(本科)、信息与文献检索(研究生)
科研方向: 主要从事新型纳米功能材料的设计、制备及其在锂离子电池中的应用
科研成果及奖励(包括项目、专利、鉴定等)(2005年以来): 近年来主持的项目
1. 纳米多孔硅基复合材料的制备及其储锂性能研究-国家自然科学基金,25万
2. 过渡金属氧化物的可控合成及其在锂离子电池中的应用-必威BETWAY博士基金,5万
1. 2012年山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖(第二位)
2. 2012年必威BETWAY优秀科研成果奖一等奖(第二位)
教学成果与奖励(2005年以来): 2014年 老员工研究训练计划项目(SRT)项目
[1] 氮化硼纳米材料的合成
[2] 二氧化钛的形貌控制及储锂性能研究 (必威BETWAYSRT优秀奖)
2014年 必威BETWAY优秀班主任
代表性论文(2005年以来): [1] Qin Hao, Jinping Wang, Caixia Xu. Facile preparation of Mn3O4 octahedra and its long-term cycle life as anode material for Li-ions batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2,87,2014 (IF=6.626)
[2] Qin Hao, Liang Chen, Caixia Xu*. Facile fabrication of three dimensional crosslinking TiO2 nanowires network and its Long-term cycling life for Lithium storage. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,6,10107,2014. (IF=5.9)
[3] Qin Hao∗, Caixia Xu, Suzhen Jia, Xiaoyun Zhao. Improving the cycling stability of LiCoO2 at 4.5 V through surface modification by Fe2O3 coating. Electrochimica Acta, 113,439,2013. (IF=4.086)
[4] Qin Hao, Menghua Li, Suzhen Jia, Xiaoyun Zhao, Caixia Xu*. Controllable preparation of Co3O4 nanosheets and their electrochemical performance for Li-ion batteries. RSC Advance, 3,7850,2013. (IF=3.708)
[5] Qin Hao, Houyi Ma, Zhicheng Ju, Guangda Li, Xiaowei Li, Liqiang Xua,∗ Yitai Qian. Nano-CuO coated LiCoO2:Synthesis, improved cycling stability and good performance at high rates. Electrochimica Acta, 56,9027,2011. (IF=4.086)
[6] Qin Hao, Liqiang Xu,* Guangda Li, Yitai Qian. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Microscaled Cu@C Polyhedral Composites and Their Sensitivity to Convergent Electron Beams. Langmuir 25,6363,2009. (IF=4.384)
[7] Qin Hao, Liqiang Xua∗, Guangda Li, Zhicheng Ju, Changhui sun, Houyi Ma, Yitai Qian. Synthesis of MnO/C composites through a solid state reaction and their transformation into MnO2 nanorods. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509,6217,2011.(IF=2.726)
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