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发布日期:2018-09-21    点击:
姓名 张广友
学历/学位 博士
职称/职务 教授
电子邮箱 Chm_zhanggy@ujn.edu.cn
实验室/办公室 逸夫楼B709
主讲课程 高等有机化工工艺学

     主持完成山东省自然科学基金资助课题一项,主持和参加国家和山东省自然科学基金资助课题多项,发表研究论文 60 余篇。

代表性论文(2005年以来): 近期研究论文如下:
1、Enyong Li, Li Lin, Lin Wang, Meishan Pei, Jingkun Xu, Guangyou Zhang,Synthesis of a New Cationic Polythiophene Derivative and Its Application for Colorimetric and Fluorometric Detection of Iodide Ion and Anionic Surfactants in Water,Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2012, 213, 887−892
2、Lin Wang, Qilong Feng, Xiangyong Wang, Meishan Pei and Guangyou Zhang,A novel polythiophene derivative as a sensitive colorimetric and fluorescent sensor for anionic surfactants in water,New J. Chem., 2012, 36, 1897–1901
3、Qilong Feng, Lin Wang, Li Lin, Meishan Pei, Jingkun Xu, Guangyou Zhang,Synthesis and Characterization of New Conjugated Soluble Polythiophenes with Excellent Reversible Electrochemical Properties,J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2013, 128: 1939–1947
4、Lin Wang, Yunke Zhai, Xiangyong Wang, Qilong Feng, Meishan PeiI,Guangyou Zhang,Synthesis of Two Novel Regioregular Conjugated Polythiophenes as Potential Optoelectronic Devices, Advances in Polymer Technology, 2013, 32(1), E612–E623
5、Lin Wanga, Qilong Fenga, Xiangyong Wanga, Meishan Peia, Jingkun Xub and Guangyou Zhang,Synthesis and properties of two novel regioregular conjugated polythiophenes with side-chain containing different substituted end groups, Designed Monomers and Polymers,2013,16(2), 116–126
6、Lin Wang, Xian Wu, Xiangyong Wang, Qilong Feng, Meishan Pei and Guangyou Zhang, Synthesis and characterization of three novel conjugated polythiophene derivatives, Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2013,16(4), 339–348
7、Chaoxia Guo, Xiaofeng Yang, Xiangyong Wang, Meishan Pei and Guangyou Zhang,Highly sensitive detection of Hg2+ in aqueous solution using cationic polythiophene derivatives,New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 4163-4169
8、solutionXiangyong Wang, Jingjing Zhao, Chaoxia Guo, Meishan Pei, Guangyou Zhang, Simple hydrazide-based fluorescent sensors for highly sensitiveand selective optical signaling of Cu2+and Hg2+in aqueous solution, Sensors and Actuators B,2014,193,157-165
9、Xiangyong Wang, Qilong Feng, Lin Wang, Meishan Pei, Jingjing Zhao and Guangyou Zhang, A novel polythiophene derivative as a sensitive colorimetric and fluorescent sensor for the detection of ATP,  Designed Monomers and Polymers, 2014,17(1), 26–32
10、Chaoxia Guoa, Xiaofeng Yanga, Xiuxia Yangb, Wenxue Zhub,Meishan Peia, Guangyou Zhanga, Fluorescent probes for Cu2+, Hg2+and amino acids in aqueoussolutions based on two mechanisms, Sensors and Actuators B, 2014, 205 345–351
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